GFAC logo with donut

June 1, 2024     |     Centennial Park     |     7am - 1pm

Thank you

THANK YOU to all the families, volunteers, sponsors, and supporters who made our 2024 GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge Donut Run 5K a huge success on June 1st in Centennial Park! Despite the rain, we had nearly 700 participants registered to show out and promote acceptance for our loved ones with Down syndrome. With your support, we raised over $87,000 for GiGi’s Playhouse Tinley Park, surpassing our fundraising goal! This funding will support therapeutic and educational programming for individuals with Down syndrome, and it's all thanks to our community!

Our Mission

We challenge you to MOVE for ACCEPTANCE

See you in

Your Support Changes Lives


"Time flies when you're having fun, and that's what the Playhouse is. Everyone genuinely cares about each other, and we have a great time together."

- Alyse, Conner's mom 

Thank you to our sponsors!

National Sponsors

Arby's foundation logo
Accurate personal logo
Charity Foundation CMYK REV
