Thank You Chicago Tribune!!!

We are so happy to be in our new home, and so glad that we have captured the attention of our new community and the media. We look forward to many many years in Tinley Park, Illinois.

Recent Posts

intern internship at GiGi's Playhouse Tinley Park Abbie Pacyga

Welcome our New Intern Abbie!

Abbie and Izzy! Meet our new intern Abbie Pacyga, who is studying Child Life and Family Studies, and minoring in ASL at Ball State University!...
Best of all GiGi gianna Bucci GiGi's Playhouse Tinley Park

Best of All: GiGi B

We wanted to share some awesome "Best of All" moments from one of our Playhouse participants, our very own Tinley Park GiGi! At GiGi's Playhouse,...
check presentation donation fundraiser tri-state disposal gigi's playhouse tinley park

Thank you Tri-State Disposal!

Tri-State Disposal recently presented us with a very generous donation of $6,000 from their "Dump the Junk and Lift a Life" Fundraiser! Between April-June of...

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