Ryker’s Journey at GiGi’s!

          The wonderful phrase “I love GiGi’s!” is what Ryker says every time I tell him it is time to go to speech therapy. After receiving a birth diagnosis when Ryker was born in November 2017, the constant thought of meeting milestones or will he ever walk or talk consumed Mike and me. We had never heard of GiGi’s Playhouse until I made family connections through friends of friends who had entered the same journey we were on. I will never forget the first time we went to GiGi’s Playhouse. Ryker and I were greeted by my sweet friend, Briana White, with open arms! What a wonderful place it was for Ryker and our family! Gigi’s Playhouse quickly became our go-to place for any questions or concerns that we had for Ryker. LMNOP and Music Therapy are wonderful programs that have helped Ryker succeed. We have recently taken part in speech therapy with Allison and tutoring with Amber as well. Ryker has improved on so many levels! We are currently starting to say three-word phrases, count, and say our ABCs! Even though Ryker’s learning pathway may be different from others, Mike and I have come to realize that with the support of GiGi’s and our friends and family, Ryker can and will meet those milestones. GiGi’s Playhouse has truly been a blessing to our family!  

– Courtney Schmitz, Ryker’s Mom

Ryker with Ms. Ali in Speech Therapy


Ryker with Ms. Amber in Literacy


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  1. Wendy Vanderhoof Nana and Pappy on February 7, 2022 at 1:05 pm

    Aww so proud! We are so proud of him. We love him so much❤️💋❤️💋

  2. Deb on February 7, 2022 at 2:41 pm

    Good job Ryker!! Aunt Deb is so proud of you 🤗💙

  3. Tasha McDonald on February 7, 2022 at 4:03 pm

    Way to go, Ryker! Thank you, GiGi’s Playhouse, for all you have done for Ryker and our community!

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