2020 ‘i have a Voice’ Gala and Raffle Update

As our community continues to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, at GiGi’s, we are working to look beyond this immediate time of crisis in anticipation of when we, as a community, will enter a state of recovery.  While the timeline for when we will get there remains uncertain, we are confident that we will continue to work together as a community to reach that goal.  

As a result of the uncertainty, we have decided to reschedule our ‘i have a Voice’ Gala to Saturday, November 21, 2020.  We hope by postponing our event, that come November, the community will be ready to celebrate and recognize the achievements of those we serve.

We have also decided to reschedule the $10,000 raffle drawing to November 21, 2020.  Thank you if you have already purchased a raffle ticket and please hold on to those tickets – they are still good and will continue to be valid for the November drawing.  

While we miss seeing our friends at the Playhouse, we look forward to when we can once again offer our FREE, life-changing therapeutic, educational and career training programs.  We are ready to continue our journey to show the world what individuals with Down syndrome are truly capable of achieving as students, co-workers, volunteers, friends, and valued members of their communities.

Thank you for your support of GiGi’s Playhouse.  We look forward to seeing you at GiGi’s Playhouse-Southern Tier second annual “i have a Voice” Gala on Saturday, November 21, 2020 at Traditions at the Glen in Johnson City, NY.   Because of your generosity, more individuals WILL learn reading and math, improve their health & wellness, develop career skills, and live truly beautiful lives. More communities will embrace individuals with Down syndrome as equals and friends. Miracles do happen at GiGi’s Playhouse, where we turn belief into achievement.


Linda Hoke

Board President


If you would like more information or have any questions regarding the changes for 2020 Gala and Raffle, please email us at:  southerntier@gigisplayhouse.org

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