Happy New Year!

As we look at 2017, we celebrate the many wonderful things that happened at GiGi’s Playhouse, Layton and our hearts are full. Full of happiness that more than 140 persons with Down syndrome came to participate in our programs. Full of awe for the 1050+ participants and the more than 1700 hours spent in programs. Full of appreciation for the more than 160 volunteers that have come almost 1,000 times and put in over 3,100 hours this year.

Our donor wall has grown so much this year. We have had to add many balloon ribbons, houses, sidewalk markers, and bricks to acknowledge and say “Thank You” to our generous sponsors. We added 2 donations of more than $10,000, 13 donations with $1,500 or more (at one time), and 26 bricks for those that made $500 or more at one time. To say we could not do it without YOU seems a little understated.

We have watched our first sessions of GiGi Prep help our adults reach for more. During Fantastic Friends and Summer Camp we had the opportunity to watch our adults build friendships that will last a lifetime. LMNOP has grown so much and helped so many little ones. We have had so many fun events, bringing our families together to become a little more like family!

We are so grateful for GiGi’s and all that if offers to our community. However, our greatest appreciation goes to ALL OF YOU! May we look forward to 2018 with great anticipation for the wonderful things that each of us will learn and how we will grow by participating at GiGi’s Playhouse, Layton! #gigisplayhouselayton

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