Positive self-talk and daily affirmations!

Written by: Tricia Coleman, GiGi’s yoga teacher 

“Talk to yourself as you would someone you love.” ~ Brene Brown

Just as we may go to the gym or participate in a GiGiFIT class to be kind to our bodies, it’s also important to nurture our minds and hearts as well!

Everyone at GiGi’s Playhouse is committed to being kind to others and building positive relationships. This starts with the relationship we have with ourselves. What we tell ourselves often becomes what we believe. By focusing on positive self-talk using affirmations or mantras, we can begin to shift how we view ourselves. 

GiGi’s yoga participants have been practicing using affirmations in class to build confidence, especially during more challenging poses or activities.

Last month, participants each chose a card to focus on during class. Everyone was reminded to check back in with the chosen affirmation to enhance self-image and move through yoga and mindfulness practices with ease. As you can see by the smiles, the affirmations were a hit!

I am strong. 

I am capable.

I can do this.

I have the power within. 

I am loved.

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