Importance of early development and socialization
During the the first years of a child’s life, he or she goes through their most significant developmental changes. “…[T]hey achieve the basic physical, cognitive, language, social and self-help skills that lay the foundation for future progress, and these abilities are attained according to predictable developmental patterns. Children with Down syndrome typically experience delays in certain areas of development, so early intervention is highly recommended. It can begin anytime after birth, but the sooner it starts, the better.”*
Carrie Hupp started her daughter Sloan with GiGi’s early development programs such as LMNOP, Busy Bodies and Leaps & Bounds. “At her first birthday, Sloane was very nervous around large groups and strangers but as she has grown we have continued to immerse her into the programs at the playhouse and she literally grew right out of those issues,” said Carrie Hupp.
Busy Bodies helps children ages 2 and under increase positive interactions among peers. LMNOP helps children, ages 3-36 months, practice sign language, increase vocalizations, and stimulate the child through dance and other activities. Leaps and Bounds is the next step up for 3-5 year olds—helping them increase appropriate peer interactions and social development plus incorporate gross motor development. “Once Sloane started walking at 2 years old, she never looked back and we eagerly started attending the next age group of classes at the playhouse because she was so excited about exploring and moving around at her own pace. She is a social butterfly and I love to watch her own the room and her confidence when we are there!”
If your child is under five, this development period is critical! Check out these programs monthly and RSPV on our calendar.
Source: *“Early Intervention for Down Syndrome,”,