Life as parents, one step at a time . . .

 Being a special needs family, people tell us all the time “I don’t know how you do it.” Or “special kids are only given to special people.”

I simply don’t see it that way.   As a person of faith, I know that they are a blessing from God.  That they are created in his image and were made for a purpose.     I also know that we aren’t their parents because of anything we’ve done right or wrong.   There is a saying in the church,  “God doesn’t call the equipped…He equips the called.”  

 I think the same holds true in parenting.  In 5 short years, they’ve kept us on our toes and taught us so much.   There’s nothing “special” about us- we just take life as parents one step at a time, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

#parents #specialneedsfamily #twinswithdownsyndrome #alwayslearning #equipping #theluckyfew #downsyndrome #special

Submitted by Guest Blogger: Sarah Robinson

Mom of 4 Girls including 5 year old girls with Down syndrome

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