We’re Thankful for YOU!
If there is one word that can sum up GiGi’s Playhouse, it is community. It is humbling to think about the vast number of people who keep the GiGi’s mission alive and going strong with their passion, involvement, and support. Whether it be families choosing to support one another at programming, volunteers giving of their most precious resource (time) to teach an invaluable skill to someone, or donors digging deep to ensure that there will never be a cost to these life-changing programs, it truly takes a village to make this place a reality. And on this Thanksgiving day, we want to say THANK YOU!
- Thank you to our volunteers, who make our programs possible. This past year, 246 dedicated volunteers gave almost 5,000 hours of their time to support the individuals and families who attend GiGi’s. WOW!
- Thank you to our donors, who empower GiGi’s to continue offering all of our programs for free to families. In 2019, 517 individuals, families, and organizations gave over 1,600 gifts to support our mission. We couldn’t do this work without you!
- Thank you to our partners, who are either supporting the work of GiGi’s directly or providing other amazing services to individuals with Down syndrome across middle Tennessee. With so many compassionate nonprofits, universities, businesses, churches, and other organizations working together across the area, it really makes Nashville a wonderful place for our families to live. And we are stronger together!
- And most importantly, thank you to our families and friends with Down syndrome, who are making the world more beautiful through your lives. You are a bright light in our community, and it is a joy to live life alongside and support one another at GiGi’s. You are the reason we exist, and you deserve a rousing round of applause for all that you do!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of the GiGi’s community. You are a vital and important part of our family, and we are so grateful for you today and every day!
With thanksgiving,
-Your GiGi’s Family