2 and Under Supports and Educates!
Our 2 and Under Program continues to grow week after week, last week we had 11 families participate! This program is the perfect place for children 2 and under to meet new friends, learn, and grow, while parents have the opportunity to socialize and network with one another. Here is what our Assistant Program Leader, Jolene Sharp, had to say:
“The 2 and Under group is obviously for the really little ones. It’s a welcoming and supportive place for families who are perhaps still coming to terms with a diagnosis or who may have questions about early intervention, therapies, medical issues, and everyday kid stuff that comes up in those first years. It’s also a great opportunity just to connect and socialize with some really lovely people. A fantastic OT volunteers her time to help lead the group, and we sometimes bring in presenters to address various topics. Today, a physical therapist talked to the group about gross motor challenges for our kids and the importance of early therapy to help them develop healthy muscles and skills to build on as they grow. I love getting to be a part of this group, not the least because it means I get to play with some of the cutest itty bittys on the planet, even as Lina is rapidly leaving that stage behind.”