Introducing the DreamMaker Award

Any individual with Down syndrome should the same rights and privileges as any other individual without a disability.

We believe this.

We believe that our kids and adults have the right to an education, a career with a living wage, and all the benefits that go along with that.

We believe that our families have the right not to go bankrupt on medical costs and therapy bills.

We believe that our parents have the right to be able to take off work if their child is sick without constant fear of losing their employment or being passed over for that promotion.

We believe that our medical community has the right to learn and discover new treatments for the symptoms produced by Down syndrome without their primary practice suffering because of it.

We further believe that our legislature has a right to understand the complications of how decisions and laws that are made in their offices affect our families’ bottom lines.

We believe in all these things and yet we understand that we live in a world in which most of these dreams are still that… dreams. But at GiGi’s Playhouse we don’t stop there. We are committed to making these dreams happen for future generations. 

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”  – Eleanor Roosevelt 

This belief rings true every day at GiGi’s Playhouse Little Rock. In providing free programming, tutoring, and life-skills training for individuals of all ages, we break down the barriers of cost and availability of services. Through our remote programs using iPads for those who are in rural areas or who are unable to travel to the playhouse for programming, we break down the barriers of distance. For those families whose calendar is already so full it’s bursting and they just can’t fit anything else in, we offer take-home materials and online helps that they can review on their own time as well as programs on the weekends for working families.

Everyday at GiGi’s we are making those dreams happen and we’re building the world in which we want to live.

Therefore, as a Playhouse we want to nominate and highlight those individuals in Arkansas who are leading the charge to make these dreams happen everyday. We want to find our DreamMakers. This Spring we will hold a competition for the first ever DreamMaker Award which will receive national recognition. We are now accepting nominations. If you would like to nominate an individual for this award, please send us their name and contact information as well as a brief explanation of why you want to nominate them. Nomination window will close 12/31/2019.  Competition will run 02/01/2020-03/31/2020.

Qualifications for nomination include:

  1. This person has a strong desire and has made an impact in Arkansas for awareness, ability, advocacy, or resources for individuals with Down syndrome.

  2. This person, if awarded, will ethically and respectfully be a good representative for GiGi’s Playhouse 2020-2021.

  3. This person must agree to attempt to raise a minimum of $2,000 during a 6-week campaign (beginning mid-February), with the help of professional campaign strategy and coaching from Katy Sursa.

  4. This person must be over 18 and live in Arkansas.


Please send all nominations via email no later than 12/31/2019 5:00PM. All accepted nominees will be contacted no later than 01/07/2019.

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  1. Marcie Johnson on December 10, 2019 at 1:06 pm

    Tremendous commitment to new parents

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