Let’s Celebrate

Imagine the Possibilities: Dream it. Build it. Grow it.

What a night to celebrate and record-breaking year! The sixth annual ‘i have a voice’ gala was a magical night filled with dreams, possibilities, and growth launching into one of our most impactful years to date as a thriving organization in the Fargo, Moorhead, and state of North Dakota!

Ted with The Improvaneers Audrey & Sarah

Because of your support we celebrated the following accomplishments on March 24, 2023:

  • GiGi’s Playhouse as a National Organization is celebrating 20 years of believing, proven methodologies of how individuals learn best, and a mom (Nancy Gianni) who had a dream and is now changing the way the world views Down syndrome and her daughter GiGi is inspiring individuals with Down syndrome to reach for their dreams and change the world.
  • GiGi’s Playhouse Fargo is thriving in our local community over the last 7 years, impacting over 200+ families with continued growth in 2023. Additional accomplishments celebrated:
    • Re-opened our doors October 2022 and now offer 22+ programs for all ages.
    • 70 active participants this last year in our GiGiFIT infant, toddler, kid, teen, and adult programming. Participants are improving strength, endurance, balance, and confidence.
    • National Conference, Heather Lorenzen, Executive Director received the Core Value Champion Award: Get It Done. Kristin Nelsen, Founding Board Member, received the Core Value Champion Award: Generation G as a national education committee member.
    • Impact about 60 families per month (previously 38). Celebrated growth from 300 volunteer hours per month to now over 500. Our volunteers are the heart, soul and passion behind our free programs!
  • Ted, Charlie, and Blake used their voices on stage alongside The Improvaneer Method
    • Sarah and Audrey dreamed of being actresses and wow did they sure shine!
  • Thank you to the 2023 gala committee! Your passion, hard work and dedication to GiGi’s mission helped us reach our goals through an impactful and inspirational event.
Jordan Schroeer, Charlie & Ted

Thank you for spreading our mission to change the way the world views Down syndrome and promote global acceptance for all. Our team has shown resilience over the last two years with hurdles impacting our “place of service”, however, our community has become acceptance accelerators and open their doors to ensure we are welcomed to not skip a beat in providing our life-changing programs for our participants and their families! Having our “place” again allows us to lean on one another during the tough times, celebrate every milestone, and dream big as we are just getting started!

Thank you to our 2023 event sponsors!

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