Welcome to GiGi’s Playhouse Fargo
We are North Dakota’s first and only Down Syndrome Achievement Center. We support local and surrounding area families by offering free educational and therapeutic programs to individuals with Down syndrome from birth to adulthood, their families and the community.
Thank you to Valley News Live for this video.
Take the "GenerationG" pledge
and make a commitment to being accepting, generous and kind every day and in every way! By taking the pledge, you will join a new era of game-changers that we call #GenerationG!
What our families have to say
GiGi’s has provided a safe place for Cohen to learn, grow, and be himself. Our entire family enjoys attending the wide variety of programs offered.
– Sarah, Cohen’s Mom
GiGi’s Playhouse acts as a home but the individuals that fill the building provide us the family & community we never knew we needed!
– Annalise, Lakyn’s Mom
Our son is a participant who engages in purposeful activities that promote his health and well-being, as well as facilitating involvement in his learning and building life skills. GiGi’s has always been a safe place for us to meet other families, develop life long friendships and have a sense of belonging.
– Tonya, Jami’s Mom
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We are on a mission
Our Mission: is to increase positive awareness of Down syndrome through national campaigns, educational programs, and by empowering individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community.
Our Vision: is to see a world where individuals with Down syndrome are accepted and embraced in their families, schools, and communities
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