Building Strong Bodies, Strong Communities Through MOVEment

GiGi’s Playhouse has launched the GiGi Fit Acceptance Challenge – a MOVEment to inspire everyone to be physically and socially active. Our goal is to prove that every person should be accepted for who they are.   

We’re excited to shine the spotlight on a Colorado resident who’s been an active fitness enthusiast, and advocate for Down syndrome acceptance since the day she was born.  Here is a bit of our interview with Christina Hinkle 

Q:  Tell us about yourself.  

A: My name is Christina Hinkle. I’m 36 years old and was raised in Aurora, CO.  

Q:  How did you get involved with fitness and working with the Colorado Athletic Club?  

A:  My parents joined the Colorado Athletic Club (CAC) a few months before I was born. They always encouraged me to be active growing up. I played basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, and ice skating in middle and high school. I was invited to work out with the Poms team for a semester. 

I started Zumba and LaBlast about 11 years ago at CAC and have also tried cycling and body pump classes. It changed my life and I love it. I also like working out with my personal trainer. I want to be a professional Hip Hop dancer. 

Q: What does MOVEment, the physical and social activity, bring to your life?  

A:  I know a lot of people at the Athletic Club. They are nice to me and I have fun there. It feels good to dance and I like to dance in the spotlight on stage.  

I also worked at Family Sports Ice Skating Rink as a Skate Host in the Skate Rental for the last 5 years.  

Q: What action do you want our community to take to show acceptance for all?   

A: Let me try to do new things. If you’re going out for a walk, run or playing outside, ask a friend to join you and be sure to include others. It can make your day. 

Wow – Thank you Christina for sharing your story with us. Your energy and enthusiasm are so inspiring!  Now what do you say Colorado – let’s all get out there to MOVE and show our strength in action and character every day.  

In an effort to make the world a more accepting place for individuals of all abilities, GiGi’s Playhouse is aiming to unite 1 Million supporters in a physical and social MOVEment for Acceptance!  

Are you up for the challenge?? The Colorado Athletic Club has accepted the challenge and is hosting a series of fitness events this month to help raise awareness for Down syndrome acceptance and support GiGi’s Playhouse’s new location in Denver.  Classes are taking place across Front Range locations and are open to members and non-members.  More details in the attached flyer below.

You can also join us on June 5 for a Denver Playhouse event – Dance it Up Denver, a family-friendly dance event to come together as a community a celebrate acceptance for all.  Learn more at  

Together we can MOVE the world in a more accepting direction.  

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