Genuine GiGi’s: Inspirational Stories from our Families

The Saltzman family

I sat down with Rosaura Saltzman at GiGi’s Playhouse Charlotte as our sons enjoyed the Djembe drum circle with BaBa Freddie. Rosaura’s son Lucas is 19 and has a dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism. He was having a ball with his friends here at GiGi’s, laughing and making music.

Rosaura is a beautiful mother, speaking English as her second language. She moved from New York to Charlotte when Lucas was 10 months old. She didn’t have any outlet for social activities when Lucas was young. She found out about GiGi’s Playhouse in Raleigh and drove over two hours to get there before Charlotte’s Playhouse opened in 2019. Rosaura was here for the opening and is one of our founding families.

Why GiGi’s?

Lucas’ favorite GiGi’s program is Kitchen. Rosaura said it combines the two things that Lucas likes the most – eating and being with friends. GiGi’s Kitchen encourages health and wellness through nutrition education, kitchen safety, food preparation, social activities and a shared meal. It helps build self-esteem and self-confidence while teaching essential life skills.

For Rosaura, GiGi’s has been a place where she has made real friendships with mothers who have walked her same journey. She said it was a place for her to go where acceptance is a given, a safe haven. It hasn’t always been easy to find a sense of belonging for her son. With a dual diagnosis, he has characteristics that are not related to Down syndrome or autism exclusively. But at GiGi’s, all are welcome and embraced, and Rosaura treasures this. She has given back by volunteering at Kitchen, and she tries to teach the kids Spanish, her first language. While she has been to other programs in Charlotte, she always comes back to GiGi’s as her anchor.

Reflections on the Down syndrome journey

Rosaura fired her first obstetrician. Her pre-natal blood test flagged her as having a 50/50 chance of having a Down syndrome baby. She didn’t want to get the amniocentesis, which would have confirmed a chromosomal anomaly like Down syndrome, because she didn’t want to risk a miscarriage. But her doctor kept pressuring her to have the procedure so it could help her “make decisions.” She said he nicknamed her “the lady with the Down syndrome baby.”

“There were no decisions to be made,” she said. “I got another doctor.”

“It is a challenge with any child with special needs,” continued Rosaura. “It brings out the best and the worst in people. Kind people see more kindness, they see the magic of Lucas. It is so wonderful to see the sincerity of strangers, and how Lucas brightens their day. For people who are fearful or suspicious – they avoid him. Even some relatives have had a hard time and remained distant.

“I remember chatting with a woman when we were both pregnant. She said she could never have a child with special needs, that it wasn’t what she wanted for herself. I wish I had that day back so I could tell her that perhaps it is what she actually needed for herself. That child makes you more than you ever thought you could be. You have to lean in with special needs. You have to speak up for yourself and for your child.”

Rosaura had some advice for how to interact with individuals with special needs. She said, “The default should be to treat the individual as if they don’t have special needs. They typically understand much more than they are able to articulate. Give them dignity and respect.

“I would love more people to be aware that we need support, we don’t need advice. Say, ‘I don’t understand, but I am here if you need me.’ That goes farther than people understand.”

Rosaura added, “I hope more families will come to the playhouse, as it’s so worth the drive to give the kids the opportunities available there. I’m deeply thankful we have a GiGi’s Playhouse locally.”

We are so thankful for you both, Rosaura and Lucas! You are part of the GiGi’s family!

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