Christian’s Birth Story


Christian’s Birth Story
By Mom, Sandy

Was it a surprise to hear that our new baby had Down syndrome?  Absolutely!

Were we scared, upset, confused, sad, worried?  You better believe it!

Did we question everything we did, are doing, and will do?  Of course!

But have we learned to be more patient, more encouraging, and more accepting?  Definitely!

At 21 weeks, my Level 2 ultrasound showed increased levels of fluid in both of his kidneys. This could be an indicator of Down syndrome, however I chose not to know as it wouldn’t influence my decision.

With the help of God, family and friends, I put it out of my mind, and enjoyed the rest of my 3rd pregnancy anticipating my healthy little baby boy!

Christian was born via C-section at 6:05pm 10/09/13. He showed signs of Down syndrome and his diagnosis was confirmed 7 days later.  My search began and I found GiGi’s Playhouse!  Our 1st visit when Christian was 3 months old, started our journey of awareness and acceptance! We are not on this journey alone.

We are now 3 years later, done with Early Intervention, and enjoying school!  Christian is a smart, funny, and wonderful little boy, surrounded by admirers and tons of love!

In a World where you can be anything, Be Kind

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