Super Star Volunteer Beth Gillespie

bethgillespieBeth Gillespie is one of our superstar volunteers! She comes to the playhouse every week and works with our adults.  They do everything from decorating Lunches of Love bags, cleaning toys, shopping for the playhouse, and writing thank you cards.  Beth comes to us with experience.   She was a Behavior Analyst for a residential facility serving individuals with developmental disabilities. We are so incredibly blessed to have her!

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  1. Belinda on November 16, 2016 at 7:31 pm

    We are lucky to have you, Beth!

  2. Jill Greer on January 5, 2017 at 6:48 pm

    Beth is so amazing. Her smile and humor is incredible. Love it when I come by … and she is there. Thank You Beth for loving our Angels … so very much. You will have extra jewels in your crown in heaven.

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