Connecting During Isolating Times

Connecting during isolating times.

By: Malvika Pandya

My name is Malvika Pandya and I have a wonderful son, Mainak, who is 46. I am so thankful we have GiGi’s Playhouse in our community and our family is so grateful for the impact this organization has made on our lives, especially during these uncertain times. Before COVID-19, Mainak would spend 4 days a week at the playhouse. Over the years, he has been fortunate enough to participate in many of the adult programs including Gratitude Committee, GiGiFIT, Math & Literacy Tutoring and TEAM.


GiGi’s Sugar Land is the place we call our “home away from home”. It gives us structure and routine. All of the volunteers care so much about each participant they interact with. What I can tell you is, when times were normal, we really liked going to GiGi’s. But when times became difficult and COVID hit, that is when we fell in LOVE with GiGi’s.


Through their At Home programing we were able to find some normalcy and structure. We have been able to create a routine with other participants so our kids don’t get lonely and still see some other familiar faces. In a time of uncertainty, GiGi’s literally came into our homes through the virtual calendar of activities. Mainak has been able to stay productive and happy and he has built confidence using technology.


GiGi’s has worked hard to make their families feel connected during such isolating times. We are so thankful for the GiGi’s staff and all of the wonderful volunteers for their efforts during this trying time and always.

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