“Yoga isn’t just about poses and breathing; it’s an opportunity to….”

Tricia Coleman is the new yoga teacher at GiGi’s this year and has been thrilled to be a part of this incredible program. Her enthusiasm and compassion have been evident in the relationships she’s been building with students and her efforts to dive deeper into meaningful life skills and personal growth.

Read on to hear Tricia’s experience this session:

“Yoga isn’t just about poses and breathing; it’s an opportunity to increase self-awareness, understand sensations in the body and emotions, notice patterns of thoughts, build meaningful connections with others, and learn to self-advocate. Yoga and mindfulness can help give students a sense of agency and control over the body and mind. Some of the topics we’ve been exploring include protecting and respecting personal space, learning about consent, making choices based on what one needs or what feels good, learning about energy (energizing vs calming practices), using the breath to calm the nervous system, being kind to others, and developing positive self-talk.

Post-Yoga Mindfulness Activity:

The hardest part is often showing up. Once the mat is rolled out and the class begins, you’re already halfway there. Attendance this fall has been spectacular! Each student has brought a unique energy to the class, which has created a beautiful dynamic. The smiles and participation each week have shown the level of investment and fun within this group. I have observed several magical moments during which students have demonstrated independence and generalization of skills practiced in class. For instance, following several classes about personal space and consent, one of our GiGi’s long-standing participants, Stanley, spontaneously asked a classmate if they wanted to be his partner during a partner yoga series and then asked permission to step on his mat. During another moment, a newer student Nate initiated asking a peer if he needed help getting up from the floor but gave space when that student reassured that he was okay. Another GiGi’s regular, Ellie, has started to open up more during yoga demonstrating increased participation and confidence.

There has been so much support, respect, and kindness shared during GiGi’s yoga classes. It seems as though everyone is gaining much more than just a deeper stretch and relaxation. I have been so proud to witness this personal growth and shared joy.” -Tricia Coleman

Thank you so much for sharing Tricia. The GiGi’s family loves and are so grateful for you. Thank you for volunteering your Saturdays – allowing our participants to have this amazing experience!

Join Tricia next session for Yoga on Saturdays (11:00a-11:45a), to practice finding your inner Zen too!

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