October 2019 Speech Program Blog
At this time of year when there’s a lot of focus on thankfulness, I have found it very easy to find gratitude in my day to day. When asked to start blogging about my experiences here at GiGi’s I was instantly nervous to write something available for all to see. But like I tell my own children, it’s good to do things out of your comfort zone because that’s how you learn and grow. This could be a way for me to share with everyone how fortunate I truly feel everyday to be a part of this family. I was recently at a daycare where I see one of my little ones in Early Intervention, proudly wearing one of my new GiGi’s shirts when two of the teachers commented about GiGi’s and how they attended the Gala last year. I could tell instantly the impact attending this amazing event had on these two women. They couldn’t say enough about the families and the true strength and determination that everyone shared. This is how I feel everyday. I can’t wait to walk in that door and hear the music playing, to see people in the kitchen making a snack or parents sitting around the table or couches chatting away. I can’t wait to see my beautiful new friends and share what I love to do with them and their families. Everyday I look forward to the hugs I get, the laughter I hear, and the relationships I see shared by so many in the playhouse. It really is a family, one that I can now proudly say I am a part of.
Love, Kristin Housel, Licensed SLP
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