GiGi’s Is Making “Leaps and Bounds”

(Written by Gabriella Hartman)

GiGi’s is excited to announce our new Leaps and Bounds program which aims to promote social, emotional, and muscle development through environmental interaction. The program launched on October 21st, and will be undergoing a seven week trial period to test popularity and logistics. So far the program is full but make sure to keep an eye out for other great activities available in the calendar section of the GiGi’s Playhouse website. 

Leaps and Bounds offers comprehensive aid to children ages three to five, and assists in the development of essential life skills, especially those necessary in a school environment. The class will include lessons on building the foundations for subject areas such as Speech, Literacy, Math, OT, and Small and Large Motor Skills. Students will participate in a wide array of learning centered activities, presented in a fun and light-hearted manner. Family members are highly encouraged to participate in sessions, as parents and guardians are an integral part of the learning process. 

The program serves as a preparatory tool for success in Preschool and Kindergarten by helping with the development of basic educational skills. As students progress through GiGi’s programs they are encouraged to move up in skill level if possible; making Leaps and Bounds the perfect precursor for our highly respected Literacy and Math tutoring programs.

GiGi’s is beyond excited to introduce this exciting new program and can’t wait to see students begin to blossom through learning!  We want to thank Carrielyn Bertino and Kristin Housel for working tirelessly to launch and execute this program!



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