Amazing Grace

Here at GiGi’s we are lucky enough to meet many new faces. This is one face & story that has a special place in our heart.

“This is Amazing Grace. Gracie has a rare form of Down Syndrome called Translocation Down Syndrome; she also has a rare, inoperable heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). Essentially, Gracie’s left side of her heart is completely underdeveloped, and her right side of the heart is doing double the work. The doctors prepared us that Gracie would live a mere 2 hours to 2 days max after birth, if she even survived in utero to delivery. Amazing Grace has defied all of the odds and has proven all of her medical providers wrong. She just turned 20 months old on June 8th! We continue to make memories with our Amazing Grace, because we do not know how long her time with us here on earth will be, but one thing that I do know for sure is that she is the best gift we have ever been given” -Janelle Marsh (Gracie’s Mom)

Thank you so much Janelle for sharing your story, and thank you to Kristine Kirchgessner who took time out of her day to take pictures of our participants beautiful faces!

Photo Credit; @kristinekphotography

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