Adam’s ‘Best of All’ Story!

Everyone, Meet Adam:

Adam has been a participant here at GiGi’s Playhouse Rochester, since 2021 and has been working with Kristin (Speech & Language Pathologist) for over a year now! His goals have focused on developing strategies to work through disfluencies, conversation skills and most recently public speaking. Over the past two sessions, Adam has attended various community outreach events to work on his goals.

Most importantly, Adam has focused on a very special project since last spring! This project required him to do research, collect content and create a PowerPoint presentation. Once his PowerPoint was finished, he practiced his presentation during his weekly visits with Kristin.

On Friday, November 10th: Adam’s family came to the playhouse, in support of his public speaking goals.. aka to watch his presentation!

We learned all about Adam’s:

Childhood– Where he grew up, went to school and even his childhood pets!

Family– All about his parents, siblings & 2 brother in laws! Adam talked about his relationships with family and why they are so special to him 💛

Work History– His past/current coworkers. Employment with Meals on Wheels & St. John Fishers Cyber Café (where he had the opportunity to serve Buffalo Bills players). As well as his current position at Wegmans, where he has been employed for almost 9 years! 

Self-Advocacy & Accomplishments– Honor badges he received from the Scouts & events where he spoke on Down Syndrome Awareness (with his best friend, Kurt 💛💙) 

Life Plan/Goals– Adam wants to find a place of his own to rent in Rochester, expand his social network and have a relationship! He’d like to peruse an education in the film industry & told us about his future career goals.. including the NASA Command Center or for Marvel Production Company.

The most touching part of Adam’s story had to be his gratitude toward his family. He attributed his success to their support and says he wouldn’t have been able to accomplish his goals without them 💙. Adam did an absolute PHENOMENAL job at presenting & his hard work deserves to be celebrated. 

GiGi’s is so grateful to be apart of his journey and cannot wait to see what he does next! Great Job Adam!

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