#generationg hands

Take the "GenerationG" pledge

and make a commitment to being accepting, generous and kind every day and in every way! By taking the pledge, you will join a new era of game-changers that we call #GenerationG! 

Current Happenings

We Are on a Mission

Our Mission: is to increase positive awareness of Down syndrome through national campaigns, educational programs, and by empowering individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community.

Our Vision: is to see a world where individuals with Down syndrome are accepted and embraced in their families, schools, and communities

Join the Dream Team!

Sign up for our newsletter here and check back to our website often for the latest news and happenings.

Better yet, join our team to have your voice heard and say in the events to bring this playhouse to the Portland Metro area. Check us out of Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Volunteers Needed

We need your help. We have a variety of programs and projects that we need volunteers for. Click here to sign up to volunteer at GiGi's Playhouse, Portland and start making a difference in your community!

As Seen On:



Locations Worldwide