Ending 2022 stronger together, and over $100,000 to our goal!
Did you know that GiGi’s Playhouse is celebrating 20 years of believing in 2023?
What started as one mom’s desire to change the way the world views Down syndrome,
has grown into so much more.
It has grown into 57 playhouses that provide 4,400 free therapeutic and educational program hours a week!
It has grown into a movement of global acceptance for all.
It has grown into a lifetime commitment to families that will empower them with the tools and services their child needs to succeed!
GiGi’s Playhouse Las Vegas is celebrating and believing in the mission and purpose of GiGi’s Playhouse,
and as 2022 comes to an end, we want to thank you for believing too.
Because of believers like you,
GiGi’s Playhouse Las Vegas accomplished more than we ever thought possible.
Because of believers like you,
our Believe in Our Build capital campaign has surpassed $46,000!
Because of believers like you,
we were able to present sneak peeks of our LMNOP and GiGiFit programs,
gather to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month with superhero bowling
host a variety of family events throughout the year.
Because of believers like you,
Our First Annual GiGiFit Acceptance Challenge raised over $36,000!
Because of believers like you,
we participated in the GiGi’s Playhouse National Conference,
where we had the opportunity to share what made the Las Vegas
GiGiFit Acceptance Challenge so successful!
As a startup, our very first GIGiFit Acceptance Challenge
surpassed many established playhouses!
That is because of believers like you!
As 2023 approaches, and GiGi’s Playhouse celebrates 20 years of believing,
we hope you will continue to believe.
Believe in opening a brick-and-mortar playhouse in Las Vegas.
Believe in free, educational, therapeutic-based, and career development programs.
Believe that together we can change the way the world views Down syndrome.
We believe 2023 is our year, and we invite you to believe right along with us.
Be part of the momentum 2022 has given us.
Be part of GiGi’s Playhouse Las Vegas in 2023 and help us open a playhouse!