Meet GiGi’s Playhouse Denver Board President
It’s been so nice to meet so many families and new faces at the Denver Playhouse since opening our doors last fall. Today, we wanted to introduce you to one of the faces you’ll be seeing at the Playhouse as well as around town connecting with the local community on behalf of GiGi’s Playhouse Denver, our Board President Beth Jeub. Beth is one of the OG start-up team members, and a passionate, dedicated, and tireless parent advocate for the Down syndrome community.
Learn more about Beth and her journey to bring the mission and vision of GiGi’s Playhouse to the Front Range, making it the first in Colorado and 55th Playhouse to open its doors.
Tell us about you
- I have always been motivated to make the world a better place. Having been involved in summer camps as a young kid, I always have had a ‘can do’ attitude and a willingness to tackle complicated or challenging things. Working for justice is a key element of life for me, and I have always pursued activities and work aligned with this vision.
How did you get involved with GiGi’s?
Originally my mom told me about GiGi’s when the Fort Myers playhouse was first opening. I wasn’t sure what a “Down Syndrome Achievement Center” would offer. I remember telling her that we were fine in Denver and had a lot of services. Ha! Then I heard Nancy speak at a conference a few years later, and I visited the national playhouse in Hoffman Estates, IL. It started to dawn on me that GiGi’s was something much bigger than what I had imagined. So when a high school student, a volunteer at the Raleigh GiGi’s Playhouse, reached out because her family was moving back to Denver, and she didn’t want to move back without bringing GiGi’s with her – I was in.
What is your WHY?
- I believe that all people deserve a chance. So many participants at GiGi’s Playhouses didn’t have equal, fair opportunities when growing up. Now in his 50s, my husband’s uncle wasn’t taught to read. With GiGi’s free programming, people can learn to read at any age. That’s just one example of what GiGi’s can bring to a community. My personal why also includes my daughter, who does not have Down syndrome. As a sibling in our family, it can be tough when so many family resources support those with more needs. At GiGi’s, I look forward to offering sibling programs where those amazing brothers and sisters can connect and find friends who share their journey. Yes – free tutoring for my son with DS is amazing. But equally, so are lifelong friendships for my daughter. Along the way – I hope to enjoy possibly being a tutor myself or supporting our adults in some of their programs. I am excited to offer them a space of their own.
What does acceptance mean to you?
- To me, acceptance is honestly owning where and who you are and saying, “I love you.” It’s the same with others – seeing the good, the bad, the ugly, the weird, and as we advance together. We all have baggage. We all have things we’d rather keep hidden. But truly the ability to let ourselves be vulnerable, be known, and loved anyway — that is what acceptance to me.
What are you most thankful for having GiGi’s in the Denver metro area?
- I am most thankful for meeting amazing people along this journey with GiGi’s Denver. And this is only the beginning. In all things in life – I believe the people make the journey. And, for me, it is the same with GiGi’s. Participants and families, volunteers, donors, vendors, strangers who are touched by the mission and become involved, caring neighbors who love what we are doing. It is a joy to be part of the GiGi’s family, and I love each new person I get to meet and learn about their ‘why.’ The GiGi’s journey keeps on giving with each new connection.