Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day!

Each year, World Down Syndrome Day occurs on March 21st, 3/21. This is done as the THIRD month on the TWENTY-FIRST day signifies the extra copy of the 21st chromosome that represents the genetic makeup of the Down syndrome diagnosis. While shout the worth of our friends that rock an extra chromosome every single day of the year at GiGi’s Playhouse Cincinnati, on this day we get to shout it even LOUDER alongside the rest of our global community!

You may be wondering, “How can I celebrate World Down Syndrome Day?” Well, we’ve compiled a list of ways you can advocate and celebrate individually, within your schools, around your community, and at GiGi’s Playhouse Cincinnati! The time to start planning your celebration is NOW!


Join us to celebrate the best day of the year!!

We invite all participants, friends, families, and volunteers to GiGi’s Playhouse Cincinnati on Thursday, March 21st between 12:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Wear your best blue and yellow and join us throughout the day to celebrate! We’ll have music and refreshments (including special blue and yellow bagels from Everything Bagels Cincinnati!) A few of our Fantastic Friends will be here selling mismatched socks that they tie-dyed and packaged—all proceeds will go right back to Fantastic Friends, our 18+ program! We’ll also be here to help you register and create teams for this year’s GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge which will be held on June 15th. We can’t wait to party with you!

Please click the link below to RSVP to this party so we can properly plan!

Wear Mix-Matched Socks

By wearing mix-matched socks you are advocating in a fun way because chromosomes look a lot like socks! These funky socks show the world that you embrace differences. It also invites a conversation to talk about how AWESOME and CAPABLE our friends with Down syndrome are!

We invite you to grab your own mix-matched socks or purchase a pair of socks here at the Playhouse! Our Fantastic Friends participants worked hard tie-dying and packaging mix-matched socks that are as perfectly unique as you! You can only purchase these one-of-a-kind socks HERE at the Playhouse for $5 each. All proceeds will go right back to our Fantastic Friends group for participants 18+.

Hold a Fundraiser

Rally your community together to raise money for GiGi’s Playhouse Cincinnati! We are 100% funded through grants, donations, and sponsorships, and every dollar given to our Cincinnati Playhouse stays at our Cincinnati Playhouse. We have had local businesses, Girl Scout Troops, and schools create a fundraiser in honor of World Down Syndrome Day!

Here are some successful fundraiser ideas:

  • Hold a bake sale!
  • Have a coloring contest to create awareness for Down syndrome.
  • Collect “Dimes for Down Syndrome” and donate those dimes to the Playhouse!
  • If you’re a business, create a special drink or appetizer where a portion of the proceeds are donated to GiGi’s.
  • Create your own Celebration Club through our website!

School Tools

Whether you’re a teacher, parent, sibling, or student; we have a curriculum centered around our #GenerationG mission and Down syndrome diagnosis. We invite you to take this curriculum to your local school or classroom to build awareness and create an accepting environment for all. In this toolkit, you’ll find curriculums for all ages, posters, activity books, and printouts for a bulletin board!

This is a great way to learn how our friends are breaking down barriers and proving their diagnosis does not stop them from reaching their goals!

Invite a Speaker from GiGi’s Playhouse

Contact Kaitlyn Brennan at the Playhouse to schedule a day and time for her and one of our ambassadors to come and speak to your child’s school or your workplace about the Down syndrome diagnosis OR schedule a time to come take a tour of our Playhouse! Kaitlyn will cater her discussion at the level that’s just right for your child and their classmates to learn about Generation G and have your school take the Generation G Pledge!

Email Kaitlyn today at kbrennan@gigisplayhouse.org

Sponsor an Event

Our GiGiFIT Acceptance Challenge is coming up on June 15th! Now is the time to speak with your company about sponsoring this event to help us make it a HUGE success in our community. There is a sponsorship level for every company. In the past, some sponsors have donated their products or services, while other sponsors stick to financially contributing to our success!

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, email cincinnati@gigisplayhouse.org

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