Our team is Growing!   

GiGi’s Playhouse Charleston is excited to add two new key volunteers to our team!  

Michelle Tonkonogy, Marketing Committee Lead 

Michelle moved to Charleston in January 2021 after needing a change post-pandemic and has no plans of leaving Charleston! Michelle graduated from Bridgewater State University in 2019 with a degree in Psychology and Childhood Studies. Throughout her life, Michelle has been actively involved with numerous philanthropic organizations and has always found herself back working with individuals with disabilities. In college, Michelle founded her University’s chapter of Best Buddies, as well as serving as the local coordinator for a Special Olympics program. During this time, Michelle grew close friendships with many individuals but one in particular changed her life. She became fast friends with Amanda, who is a woman in her late twenties with Down Syndrome. Michelle and Amanda have been best friends for 8 years and continue to talk daily about all things Taylor Swift. Michelle is excited to join Gigi’s and help bring this amazing organization to Charleston. 

Leah Coppa – Volunteer Coordinator  

Leah moved with her family to Charleston in June 2020 because of her husband’s military orders. For 21 years they raised their two amazing kids, Brady and Emerson, all over the country. They decided to make Charleston home after her husband retired from the Coast Guard in October 2021.  Leah loves to make memories with her family, travel, hike, go to the beach, and cuddle with her rescue dog, Nico. 

Leah’s niece, Naya, received her Down Syndrome diagnosis before she was born and has spent her childhood as a part of the Gigi’s Playhouse crew in Michigan. Leah has loved watching Naya grow and thrive through her experiences at Gigi’s and is so incredibly excited to be a part of the team to bring this incredible program here. 

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