2017 GiGi’s Playhouse 5k – The Interns thoughts.

Playhouse families, volunteers, sponsors and friends united on Sunday, June 11th in support of individuals with Down syndrome at the 14th Annual GiGi’s Playhouse Chicagoland 5K Fun Run, Walk and Dash for Down syndrome. Over 2,000 people ran, walked, dashed and supported GiGi’s Playhouse mission, raising more than $200,000 to support FREE, purposeful programs that help kids and adults with Down syndrome improve their speech, literacy, math, fitness, career skills, and self-confidence.  Today we are turning over the #gigisblog mic to the Hugs + Mugs Interns to hear what they thought of this amazing event!


“The 5K was really fun! I was a part of Team Nicole, and I walked. I had a lot of fun, and got to eat lunch there. I ordered healthy, a grilled chicken sandwich. I liked seeing Nancy, Gigi, Bella, Franco, Nicole and her mom, Diana. The parts I liked most was stretching and getting to dance! I am a good dancer.” ~ Patrick

“I went to the 5K with my dad. I walked and he ran. I was a part of Team Nicole. I liked dancing with Gigi on stage. I got to see Nicole, Emily, David, Mary Jo, and Nancy. It was a lot of fun.” ~ Ramson

“I worked at the Hugs + Mugs booth. It was really good. This was my first-time volunteering and working the 5K. It was really hot. I liked selling the shirts and bracelets. I also helped people find their sizes, for men and women. Three people who are wonderful are Stephanie, Emily, and David. I am glad to help out because I am good.” ~ Chris

“It was a blast! I was a part of Team Christine. I walked with my aunt Chris. My favorite part was dancing, and I got to go up on stage to help Nancy with the opening speech. I also helped with the starting line. I talked with some people about what GiGI’s is, and what it does. I saw my friends from Hugs + Mugs there, Catie, Chris Tucker, and Ramsan. I also like Stephanie, Emily, and David Luzwick. My favorite is my bro Franco Gianni because he is the man of the house since Gigi was born. I love being with my boyfriend Brian because he is my life forever, in the near future!” ~ Christine

“This was my first GiGi’s 5K, and it was absolutely amazing! I didn’t know what to expect, but had heard so many good things from all different people. Seeing all who attended, and all the different teams, and unique team names, was fun (My favorite was Orange is the new Purple!). I was shocked to see all different ages doing the run, and the lineup at the finish line of people cheering each other on was so touching. The comradery was so strong, it made me so happy to watch! I think my favorite part though, was the Dash for Down Syndrome. Getting to see all the kids, from toddlers to older kids, get a chance to have their own race was incredible. Overall, I had joyous experience at the 5K and cannot wait to attend next year!” ~ Emily (Staff member at Hug + Mugs)


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Thanks team for sharing your experince on the Throw Back Thursday!


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