One Year Full of Cheer

One Year Full of Cheer ~ Tori Windon-Johnson

This month GiGi’s Playhouse Tampa celebrated the one year anniversary of Tori Windon-Johnson, Program Coordinator. Tori is a dedicated and enthusiastic staff member whose passion of helping families is evident in everything she does.

Tori has a background in Exceptionality Education, ranging from Down syndrome to giftedness. After working in education for a decade, Tori decided to transition from working as a teacher for before and aftercare to program coordination. Although she loved her class and training her colleagues, she decided to make GiGi’s her new home – How lucky are we!?

Below, Tori shares her favorite GiGi’s memory, current involvement, and future goals!

Tori’s Favorite GiGi’s Memory

“Learning that one of the participants was not enrolled in school. I spoke to the parents and informed them of their and their child’s education rights. I became part of their IEP team and helped him get into a school where he is making gains!”

Tori’s Generosity and Dedication Extends Beyond GiGi’s

She is a member of Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, INC., sits on several planning committees and is currently the Chapter Advisor for the Alpha Upsilon Kaleidoscope at Florida International University.

Tori is Ready for Year Two

This year she will focus on increasing participation within our free, educational and purposeful programming. In addition to this, Tori hopes to increase the attendance of historically underrepresented populations here at the Playhouse – participants and volunteers alike!

“I am truly here for our families! Do not hesitate to reach out if you ever have a question or need.” ~ Tori

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