Volunteer Spotlight – Derma Spreading That Inclusion & Acceptance Matters

Meet Demra, a GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego volunteer with an infectious and inviting smile.

Volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse is an incredible opportunity for someone looking to give back in a meaningful way regardless of ability. Where there is a will there is a way and GiGi’s Playhouse has endless options in terms of volunteering.

Demra is one such volunteer that lives life without limits and is happy to donate her time to an awesome organization. Demra started volunteering in September 2022, primarily during special events as a welcomer to participants, families and community members but has become a dedicated staple at the Playhouse assisting with getting program supplies ready and sharing GiGi’s mission at outreach tables.

Demra at outreach event
Demra at the ViewPoint Outreach

Demra initially heard about GiGi’s via our GiGi’s Ambassador Clark as they both had participated in San Diego People First, which is an organization lead by self-advocates for self-advocates. Clark shared so many amazing things that Demra had to get involved. The rest is history as they say.

Demra & Clark presenting at SDPF

Demra is not your typical volunteer as she is also able to share her living story with our participants and parents on learning how to become more independent, living options as she lives independently with support and work options as she owns her own business “Demra’s Delights.”

She often says “You to” meaning that everyone has the right to live how they want regardless of ability. This is such an important message and we certainly are lucky Demra has chose GiGi’s Playhouse to be a part of.

If you are interested in becoming a GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego volunteer please be sure to click the link below or contact sandiego@gigisplayhouse.org

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