‘Tis the season of giving!

“We rise by lifting others.”

-Robert Ingersollgiving-tuesday-2016-480x240Believe it or not, Holiday season is upon us! In a blink of an eye, we start wrapping up 2016 and start prepping for 2017. In celebration of this joyous season we wanted to share with you a little about #GivingTuesday. Similar to Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is now becoming a tradition, not just in the United States but around the world where individuals, communities and organizations take a moment to give back, supporting giving and philanthropy. We want you to join this movement by supporting our cause. You can give today by clicking below, NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL.


Please find time and generosity to help those individuals with Down syndrome who are looking for a place that will embrace them with open arms; a judgment-free space where they can grow and flourish, reaching their potential. A space where new parents can come having just learned of the diagnosis and hoping to find a hand to hold as they embark on this new journey. We are that place, and you are making it possible for us to be here!


Our doors would not be opening in 2017 without the help and trust of our donors. It is your big-heartedness that will allow us to provide programs to children and adults with Down syndrome at NO COST – benefiting them, their families and our community as a whole. As we look for our physical space, we are reminded that GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego is a reality and lives have already been forever changed…imagine what’s waiting for us next year! So this Holiday season, we “give thanks for you”! Please continue to support us and for those that haven’t done so already, donate on this #GivingTuesday or sign up to become our volunteer. You can help at events, become part of our start-up committee or even lead one of our programs!









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