Participant Spotlight – Kal-El finds his home away from home at GiGi’s Playhouse

Have you ever went somewhere and thought, “Yes, this feels perfect!” As many of our readers, participants and families know, GiGi’s Playhouse tends to give you the feels. It’s a place that many feel right at home. Kal-El and his family recently made the GiGi’s discovery and have not looked back.

Being a military family can be hard but being a military family with particular needs can be even more difficult as not every station offers the right type of supports. Kal-El and his family recently were stationed in San Diego and were surprised to stumble upon GiGi’s Playhouse San Diego.

His mother, Danielle shared, “I wish we knew about GiGi’s sooner, especially when he was younger. Kal-El loves doing the classes at GiGi’s, both in person and virtually.

Kal-El participants in GiGi’s Kitchen Teen. Above he is demonstrating the art of cracking an egg for his peers during a GiGi’s Kitchen Teen as they prepared savory turkey stuffing balls. Not one shell entered the bowl…quite impressive!

GiGi’s Kitchen is a program designed to teach individuals with Down syndrome kitchen and nutrition skills. During the program, participants learn the importance of health and wellness through nutrition education, kitchen safety, food preparation, social activities and a shared meal/snack. Under the guidance of program leaders, participants will learn about and progress through skills including measurements, food handling, knife skills, ingredient identification, palate expansion, and nutrition to expand their self esteem and self confidence in the kitchen.

Not only is GiGi’s a welcoming place for Kal-El but is also inclusive to his younger brother, Jared, who has been able to participate alongside his older brother. Danielle shares, “Jared, his brother, loved volunteering, as well. I think the teen classes were a great experience for both of them.” That inclusion piece can be such an important aspect for the whole family and we certainly encourage it.

Kal-El has also been expanding his social circle and exploring new friendships. One in particular is with our famous GiGi’s Ambassador Clark. Clark has been a vital component as well as mentor to his peers when welcoming new participants and making sure they feel included.

Clark and Kal-El during Fall Fun Fest

Kal-El has certainly found his niche and is running with it. Each and every time he attends a program that confidence can be seen through his bright smile and his engagement with his peers. His mom shares, “I have noticed a huge improvement in him since attending the classes. He seems to be more social when attending, he’s talking and expressing feeling more, and he talks about the friends he’s meeting, too.

We absolutely love how GiGi’s creates an environment of sharing and inclusiveness for All!

Kal-El is even learning the art of outreach and awareness as he attended the 2nd Annual GiGi’s Golf with a Purpose and was able to meet the golfers, observing how Clark utilized his charm.

Clark showing Kal-El how it’s done
Kal-El engaging the golfers

We are so incredibly happy and humbled that another family is part of the GiGi’s family! We can’t wait for Kal-El’s next explorative journey and will be right here to learn from him!

If you are interested in being a part of GiGi’s, participant, family or otherwise, please feel free to contact us and start this amazing journey! Contact us at

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  1. Michael Rosenberg on December 13, 2024 at 5:10 pm

    I am so happy Kal-El has found a happy place at GI-Gi playhouse. When he comes to visit his NY family he can visit Gi-Gii’s Buffalo location.

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