May Programs
We are very excited that our San Diego Donut Run is 20 days away! May 20th from 9:00-12:00pm. Don’t forget to sign up and invite your friends and family! You can choose to participate in the 5K Fun Run or the 1 Mile Donut Dash! It will be an amazing event with lots of fun surprises. Every dollar goes towards creating FREE, purposeful programs for individuals with Down syndrome.
We’ve had an amazing first month and are so happy to hear all the positive feedback! We are currently working on adding new programs and you can already RSVP for the ones in May. This is the only step needed to sign up for them! You can always view our calendar for the most up to date schedule. Join us as we work towards our ‘Best of All’.
What is ‘Best of All’?
Best of All is continual, measurable, celebrated and it never ends. It is a daily challenge to do a little better than you did the day before and it is always celebrated. Possible manifestations include standing just one second longer, reading just one more word, learning just one new number, taking just one more step, it’s never a competition and is never completed.
Open Play
We will be open every Wednesday from 9:30am-12:30pm for anyone who wants to stop by and chat or wants to bring their kids to hang out! Come visit us!!
LMNOP (Birth to 36 months)
LMNOP is an interactive and engaging program designed to guide parents and young children through learning basic sign language and other forms of communication using music and language-based activities. LMNOP is recommended for ages Birth-36 months.
Wednesday May 9th from 11:00-12:00pm. Please RSVP by clicking here so we can be prepared.
Saturday May 12th from 2:00-3:00pm. Please RSVP by clicking here so we can be prepared.
Wednesday May 23rd from 11:00-12:00pm. Please RSVP by clicking here so we can be prepared.
Leaps & Bounds (3-5 year olds)
This program focuses on the development of large and small muscle groups. Children will participate in fun and engaging activities that require movement and interaction with their development. Our Leaps & Bounds program is recommended for ages 3-5 year olds.
Saturday May 5th from 10:00-11:00am. Please RSVP by clicking here so we can be prepared.
Destination Discovery (All Ages)
Destination Discovery supports the development of fine motor skills, gross motor skills, social skills and language through purposeful play and peer to peer interaction in a causal and fun setting. This program also brings families together to share experiences and build relationships.
Saturday May 12th from 10:30-12:00pm. Please RSVP by clicking here so we can be prepared.
Fantastic Friends (18 years and older)
Our Fantastic Friends program supports the development of social skills and language through peer to peer interaction in a casual fun setting. Along with their peers without Down syndrome, adult participants participate in the planning of activities so that group activities are based on personal interests. During Fantastic Friends, the group may participate in active games, dancing or exploring their local community by participating in outings and events. Fantastic Friends is recommended for ages 18 years and older.
Friday May 18th from 7:00-9:00pm. Please RSVP by clicking here so we can be prepared.
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