Posts by bpayne
We all do hard things every day!
As I come to an end of my internship at GiGi’s Playhouse, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting. As a Social Work Graduate student, I was required to complete a 500-hour internship. Social work is such a large field, I felt I wanted an experience that was different. Without realizing it at the time,…
Read MoreIn The Spotlight!
This morning GiGi’s Playhouse was highlighted on the Lisa Valentine Clark radio show. Becky Payne from the Layton Playhouse was able to be there to share our mission with the listeners. What a great way to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day, which is tomorrow! We would love you to take the #GenerationG promise and pledge…
Read More2018 was an AMAZING year at GiGi’s Playhouse, Layton
We have made so many great memories in 2018. In February we celebrated our 3rd year, in March, our Playhouse Plunge was so much fun. In July we started to get our new space Playhouse ready. In September we had our best Gala yet. November brought our Grand Re-Opening in our new location. We had…
Read MoreAll new location!
On November 17, 2018 we opened our doors in an all new location! After being open for 3 1/2 years it was time to get a bigger space so we can continue to grow and offer more programs to our participants. We are now located at 1916 N 700 W #140, Layton UT. We…
Read MoreLife Lessons
This summer I went on an adventure like no other. I traveled far, I spent quality time with my husband, I learned a lot of great life lessons, I met some lifelong friends, and along the way I found a new place to call home. Here’s my story of being the GiGi’s Playhouse summer intern.…
Read MoreChanging Lives
Grace has been coming here to volunteer with Ashley from AGB Speech to help with LMNOP since she is doing a high school internship with her. This is what she shared when her time here was over – “Volunteering at GiGi’s truly did change my life forever. Before volunteering at GiGi’s I thought I knew…
Read MoreEaster with friends at Layton GiGi’s Playhouse
We had the opportunity to have Cameron, a local scout, sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt & Dinner for our Playhouse for his eagle scout project. What an “egg’ceptional” activity. We had over 30 volunteers that worked hard to make our party a success. As our families came we had over 100 people here to celebrate…
Read MoreThank you for taking the Plunge with GiGi’s Playhouse
On March 24, 2018, GiGi’s Playhouse, Layton had its 5th Annual Playhouse Plunge at Willard Bay State Park and it was AMAZING. There was over 300 people there to support us and National Down Syndrome Day (3/21) despite the wind and cold temperatures. We are excited to say that we not only met but exceeded…
Read MoreHappy New Year!
As we look at 2017, we celebrate the many wonderful things that happened at GiGi’s Playhouse, Layton and our hearts are full. Full of happiness that more than 140 persons with Down syndrome came to participate in our programs. Full of awe for the 1050+ participants and the more than 1700 hours spent in programs.…
Read Morewhat is it like to have a sibling with down syndrome?
What an AMAZING chance for these siblings to be heard. GiGi’s Playhouse, Tinley Park had a spectacular family that wrote this article and it is definitely worth reading. What is it like to have a sibling with Down syndrome?? Please post your answer in the comment section. We would love to hear from you!
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