Fantastic Friends hosts Fun Trivia Night!
By Mia Siino & Claire Ramaley
The first week of January, our Fantastic Friends group had a special guest. We invited Joe, Trivia Master at Jackrabbit Brewing Co., to host a fun night of trivia!
We split our group into teams, and came up with names like “Awesome Friends”, “A Team”, and “Team Girlfriends”. The night was run like a traditional trivia night with a few modifications to make sure everyone could succeed! Fantastic Friends leads worked with Joe to modify questions and each team received a packet with multiple answer choices and images to go along with each question.
The first round of questions focused on general trivia knowledge with questions about pop culture, restaurants, and more!
After the first round of questions we had a short dance break while Trivia Master Joe calculated all of our scores. Once the scores were calculated we came back together for round two- Name the Character. Each team got a sheet of paper with different Disney characters on it and had to fill in the name of each character.
For the final round of trivia, all the questions were Disney themed! This was definitely everyone’s favorite round. Once all the team’s answers were in, Joe calculated all of the scores and announced the winner. Team Awesome Friends was crowned the champion of the night! Woohoo!
We had such a great time at our Trivia Night and are so thankful to Joe for his professional trivia hosting skills!

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