Happy Holidays from GiGi’s Playhouse Sacramento!
By Mia Siino & Claire Ramaley
We’re having a great holiday season at GiGi’s Playhouse Sacramento! Over the last month we’ve hosted lots of different holiday themed events- from concerts to photos with Santa!
Our resident rockstar/super volunteer Mia attended many of the events and sat down with volunteer Claire to tell us all about it!
Mia on the Shelf
This year we had a new activity at the Playhouse! We printed out a photo of Elf Mia and hid it in the Playhouse. We released clues on Instagram to see where Elf Mia was hiding. The first person to find the photo received a special prize! We can’t wait to continue this tradition next year!

Photos with Santa
It was really fun to help out and see all the cute babies come in, even the ones crying! I was working with the photographer to call in the next groups that were waiting. I did such a great job that they said I deserved Starbucks (which I did get!)
My favorite part was seeing the kids seeing Santa- it was really cute. A couple of times the little kids were so excited they just ran right in. Some didn’t want to leave because they were having such a good time.
People were really happy to share their Christmas lists with Santa! We had people of all ages come through, even some of our Fantastic Friends friends! Santa even FaceTimed one participant who was sick so she could be involved!
It was great hanging out with Santa, we even took a BeReal during our break!

Rock Rules Holiday Concert
Every year Rock Rules hosts a holiday concert for our friends and family! My favorite part of the holiday concert was seeing everyone singing, it’s so fun to hear! We even had some people sing really loudly for the first time, it was awesome! My favorite song to sing at the concert was Jingle Bell Rock by Kelly Clarkson. I practiced a lot!
At the end we sang Happy Birthday to Aiden who’s birthday is coming up on Christmas Eve.
Everyone had a great time being together!

Fantastic Friends Glow Holiday Party
We had a great time at the annual Fantastic Friends Holiday party! This year we had a special theme- Glow Holiday!
We opened with an ice breaker question- what is your favorite holiday tradition. People shared a lot of different traditions, from watching holiday movies to the sharing of grievances (a celebration of Festivus).
After that we created neon ornaments. They were a hit! Then we had a Christmas tree competition. We used our STEM skills to make a Christmas tree out of marshmallows and toothpicks. We had a lot of different styles of trees! We had a competition to see who’s tree was the best and there a lot of trash talking (all in good fun!).
Then we played holiday Bingo- and I won!
Finally, we turned off all the lights and turned on the black lights for our Glow Party!! We danced to a mixture of holiday and pop music and had a great time being together!

Happy Holidays from Mia, Claire, and everyone at GiGi’s Playhouse Sacramento!!
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