Volunteer Spotlight: Meet the Myers Family

Gracie, Julia, & Marcus Myers- Teen Tastic Co-Leads & Amazing Volunteers!

Meet the Myers Family- our rockstar Teen Tastic Co-Leads!! Gracie, Julia, and Marcus Myers have been instrumental in bringing our teen program back to life; we sat down with them to learn more about their family and why they love volunteering at GiGi’s Playhouse Sacramento!

What brought you to GiGi’s Playhouse? 

Marcus and I (Gracie) were introduced to Gigi’s Playhouse by BTC (the Boys Team Charity of Granite Bay). We attended an orientation and really enjoyed what we heard, saw and the energy we felt at the playhouse. After the orientation we were excited to participate in any and all of the classes. We came home and told our family about all the greatness we saw. That is when Julia became interested in volunteering at GiGi’s. She attended the orientation and we observed Gigi’s Dance, Music and Teen Tastic. Since then, we have been hooked on coming to GiGi’s Playhouse.  

What is a favorite memory from TeenTastic? 

We don’t necessarily have a favorite memory from Teen Tastic. Every Teen Tastic that we attend we walk away with a new favorite memory. There is always a teen who has a fun take on things, has amazing dance moves, makes the kindest comment or gesture to another friend or simply giving us a smile or high five. 

What’s a fun Myers Family tradition?

Fun fact and fairly new tradition (last 7 years) our family eats pizza for Thanksgiving dinner! 

What do you enjoy most about volunteering? 

For us it’s the feeling we get from being with the teens and all of the fun we have together. We love everything about Gigi’s Playhouse. We appreciate how welcoming everyone is and feel lucky to be a small part of it. 

From everyone at GiGi’s Playhouse Sacramento thank you Myers family for all your contributions to our Playhouse!! We are so grateful and couldn’t offer free & purposeful programming without you!!

Join us at the next Teen Tastic Event by signing up on our calendar!

-Claire Ramaley

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