Welcoming the new Winter sessions of GiGi’s Playhouse Literacy, Math and Speech Tutoring Programs!
(Written by Volunteer Gabriella Hartman)
How about this for a success story! Recently, a 21-year-old with Down syndrome who had never been able to read and did not verbally communicate found hope in our Literacy Tutoring program, when incredibly after his first full 10 week session, began to read and speak! This story is just one of many that can be attributed to participants that are involved in the literacy, math and speech tutoring programs offered at GiGi’s Playhouse of Rochester!
The Winter session of one-on-one Literacy, Math and Speech programs will begin the week of January 12th! The programs aim to aid individuals with Down syndrome with the education of essential reading, math and speech skills and have so far proven to be highly successful despite still being relatively new. The literacy program has been running for a year and half, while the math and speech programs were just launched in the Fall of 2019.
Although still growing, tutors (all of which are volunteers) are becoming plentiful in numbers and continuing to rise. There are many “veteran” tutors returning for the new sessions, as well as a few new tutors to the programs. New tutors are welcomed as there are 55 students currently enrolled in the three one-on-one programs combined! 55 students getting another step closer to success! Our students currently range in age from 3 to 54 with lessons tailored to the specific needs and ability levels of the student!
Both programs aim to teach important life skills including the development of confidence, increased speech and language capabilities, and greater social interaction. These goals are reached through consistent practice, with tutors and students meeting once a week, each providing a hands-on and enjoyable learning experience. Whether it’s sitting down to read a book together or enjoying a break for basketball in the gym, students are sure to find success!
The Winter session is currently full for both tutors and students, but you can get more information on these programs by visiting our website at gigisplayhouse.org/rochester .
Check out all the amazing pictures here!
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