Savanah’s commitment to her virtual Amina Grace 1:1 speech sessions has been incredible!

Savanah’s commitment to her Amina Grace 1:1 speech sessions has been incredible! Each week, she works on goals established by her graduate students Raina and Rhondrea. Those goals include reading aloud & answering comprehension questions, articulating various letter sounds, and practicing sight words. Savanah is making great progress and whenever she answers something correctly, she responds with her signature “giggle” to celebrate her proud moment. It is SO awesome to see & hear as we are proud of her as well. Although we knew that Summer “flexibility” may potentially impact participants’ availability + commitment, that isn’t the case for Savanah’s family. Even when vacationing at the beach, they joined her therapy session via cell phone, so that Savanah wouldn’t miss out.


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1 Comment

  1. Troy Richardson on July 13, 2020 at 9:23 am

    this is very inspiring and congratulations Savannah

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