Best of All – Sarah Jo

Sarah Jo is our best of all this month! When Sarah Jo first came to our playhouse in February she did not want to come through the door. Nonetheless, Sarah Jo and her mom have stopped by the playhouse almost every Tuesday since then and made a little progress every single time. Eventually, Sarah Jo trusted us enough to come sit in the corner, read books with us and started doing activities with her mom in group communications. This month, Sarah Jo found a new friend in McKenzie, one of our speech students! With McKenzie by her side, Sarah Jo started leaving her seat in the corner to join group activities and for the first time, her mom was able to leave the playhouse while she was in group communications! We are so proud of Sarah Jo and so grateful that she trusts us and McKenzie!

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  1. shreasejb on October 29, 2022 at 12:04 pm

    very nice!

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