“It’s the Friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey . . . . .”

Brett would like you to meet

some of his Playhouse friends….. They are so AWESOME!!



Phebe’s favorite GiGi programs are LMNOP and GiGiFit! Phebe loves singing Nursery Rhymes, reading books, & watching CocoMelon❤️ Her favorite foods are French fries (ok Phebe, mine too!), yogurt (I eat that every morning for breakfast), and goldfish (yummy)😀.   Phebe’s nickname is Phebs and the Phebers (cute). What does Phebe like the most about GiGi’s?…..all her friends and the support they give Phebe and her family💕💕.



Noah’s favorite program right now is Lunch Bunch. Even though he doesn’t eat any of the yummy food he makes! (he gives it all to his brother Ethan😀)….way to share Noah! His favorite thing to do is color or play with Play doh, and he always loves to play with Ethan! Noah’s favorite food is fruit! Blueberries and strawberries, (you are so healthy, Noah, good for you😀). My mum calls me Noah Noodle! He used to be “peanut”, but now he is too big to be a peanut❤️.

Noah loves GiGi’s because he gets to see his friends and play! (I agree Noah, it’s so fun to see our friends!).



Mercedes very favorite GiGi program is Teen Tastic. She loves GiGi’s Playhouse because she can hang out there. Mercedes has met so many friends at Teen Tastic that she is still friends with and talk to. She also likes the volunteers because they make her happy too.

Mercedes second favorite program is Literacy. She loves reading and Jessica has helped her so much❤️.  Hip hop and doing karate are her favorite hobbies! Her favorite toy is the basketball hoop in her pool! (I love shooting hoops in the pool too!) Mercedes favorite food is orange chicken at Cheesecake Factory (I like that place too, their food is yummy!😀). Mercedes nickname is Merc or Mercatroid! She thinks GiGi’s is great because it is so much fun hanging out and painting.



Meghan’s favorite program is GiGi U. Her favorite thing to do is Art😀. Meghan’s favorite foods are steak, potatoes, and ice cream (good choice Meghan, I especially like ice cream too!). Meghan’s nickname is Megs. Meghan likes GiGi’s because she likes learning new things❤️ (and GiGi’s is a great place to learn new things).




Submitted by:  Brett Schatzman GiGi’s Honorary Board Member and Self Advocate

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