“It’s the Friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey . . . . .”

Guest Blog submitted by Brett

GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix Self Advocate

Brett would like you to meet

some of his Playhouse friends….. They are so AWESOME!!



Kyle likes GiGiFit! It is the first GiGi’s program he has participated in😀. Kyle likes to watch sports on TV (so do I, it’s fun to watch) and also he plays Wii bowling. His favorite foods are pizza or French fries (those are some of my favorites too!). Kyle’s nickname is Bud. Kyle most favorite thing about GiGi’s is he loves the staff❤️.



Ariana’s (Ari) favorite programs are LMNOP and GiGiFit because she loves doing activities! She loves singing and playing😀. Ari’s favorite hobby is dancing. She loves it when her mommy plays music on YouTube for her. Ari’s favorite song is “if your happy and you know it”. (That is a fun song to sing and dance to, I like it too)! 😀 Ari’s favorite food is anything that has tomato sauce, for example, raviolis, spaghetti, pizza, etc! Ari doesn’t have a nickname, but since her name is Ariana to make her name short she is called “Ari” but at GiGi’s Mrs. Laura calls her “GiGi Queen” so maybe she does have a nickname❤️.

Ari’s favorite thing about GiGi’s is that she gets to spend time with her favorite people (her little friends) Wednesdays, it’s her favorite day of the week because she goes to GiGi’s💛💙.



Brian’s favorite GiGi’s program is Rock Band. His favorite hobby is Legos! Brian’s favorite food is pepperoni pizza (I  really like pizza too!). Brian has a few nicknames, his brother Michael calls him “Gooberton”, his brother Anthony calls him “Mook”, and his family likes to call him “Bri-Man”. Brian likes GiGi’s because he likes to see his friends when he goes to programs. He has fun with the volunteers, they are always fun and very nice! He also likes to dance at GiGi’s (I like to dance also at GiGi’s!).



Greg’s favorite GiGi’s program is cooking!

His hobby is watching WWE/Wrestlemania. Greg’s favorite food is pizza(yummy, I like pizza too!). Greg likes GiGi U and all his friends😀.



Guest Blog submitted by Brett

GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix Self Advocate

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