Education – The Power of Inclusion from a Mother’s Perspective
“When school started so many parents asked who Ryder’s teacher this year is. For the ones that had the same teacher, it made my heart so happy to hear how thrilled they were to hear Ryder would be in the same class as their child.
Studies show that inclusion is beneficial for all students – not just for those who get special education services. In fact, research shows that inclusive education has positive short-term and long-term effects for all students.
Kids with special education needs who are in inclusive classes are absent less often. They develop stronger skills in reading and math. They’re also more likely to have jobs and pursue education after high school.
The same research shows that their peers’ benefit, too. They’re more comfortable with and more tolerant of differences. They also have increased positive self-esteem and diverse, caring friendships.”
Submitted by Guest Blogger
Andrea Temarantz
Ryder’s Mom
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