Program Highlight – GiGi’s at Home Live and On Demand Programs!

Greetings Friends and Families,

We are so thankful for your ongoing support! We are lonesome for our families and want to make sure that each of you is aware of how we want to continue to be a part of your daily and weekly activities. During these uncertain times, GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee is working on scheduling virtual programs that will be announced soon. In the meantime, we are so lucky to have a national office and other Playhouses that have developed online programs that are free and available to all of our families. Check out this link as well as more information on these LIVE and ON DEMAND offerings.  Check out the LIVE program Calendar HERE  to find GiGiFIT for various ages, GiGi’s Kitchen cooking class, LMNOP (Language, Music, N’ Our Peeps), music classes and so much more! We are also actively working on having our own regularly scheduled programs like Fantastic Friends, Teen Tastic, GiGIFIT Adult and possibly even a Book Club!

We are also exploring ways to keep our families, participants, and volunteers connected. If you have specific questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to drop us an email or connect via social media. We may not be at the Playhouse, but we are checking our emails and voice messages and want to continue to be a part of your Down syndrome family.

Much love,
GiGi’s Playhouse Milwaukee

GiGi’s at Home Live!

GiGi’s LIVE Calendar

GiGi’s at Home Live is our way of bringing 17+ purposeful programs to you each and every week at a specific time. This allows you to interact with our volunteer program leaders and fellow participants engaging in purposeful activities designed for your loved one’s age group.

GiGi’s at Home On Demand!

GiGi’s at Home On Demand is our way of bringing 90+ purposeful programs to you at a time that is convenient for you. You will have access to program recordings, lesson plans and activities to use when you are ready.

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