Wauconda Pack 290 visit to GiGi’s!

On November 11, 2015, the Cub Scouts of Wauconda Pack 290 Den 5 visited GiGi’s Playhouse of McHenry County. The boys wanted to learn about Down syndrome. One of the boys in the group, who is an active participant of the Gigi’s family, happens to have Down syndrome and the boys wanted to learn what they can do to help their buddy. The evening started off with some play time and a greeting by Chris Newlon, our speaker for the evening. The boys had fun playing with the train table and air hockey game. The boys opened the meeting with a flag ceremony and then each sat attentively as they learned that kids with Down syndrome are no different than anyone else. Chris used examples that could reach the boys and also shared information with their parents. Jacob got to show his buddies the tutoring rooms, the kitchen and the play area as he assisted with the grand tour of the Playhouse. Each boy also brought an item or two off the wish list as thank you for allowing them to visit the playhouse. As Jacob’s mom, my heart is delighted that such a special group of boys see Jacob as a peer and genuinely care for him as if he was their own sibling.

A few days later, one of the boys asked his dad if they could have every Den meeting at the playhouse. Thank you Gigi’s Playhouse McHenry County for hosting this amazing group of 7-year old and teaching them how to open their hearts to kids with all abilities.jake. boyscout.den

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