Help us receive $50,000 for our Playhouse in Queretaro, Mexico!

We are excited to announce we have an anonymous donor who is matching all gifts up to $50,000 received until June 30, 2018, for our Mexico Playhouse.


In Mexico, the situation for people with Down syndrome is often desperate. There is no "special education" as we have in the United States, and as a result, children with Down syndrome are often not allowed to go to school. 


More than 70% of the families in Mexico cannot afford to pay for the programs or therapy they need for everyday life. They do not get aides or help in school unless they can pay for it, which most cannot.

Fortunately, GiGi's Playhouse is there to provide FREE Life-changing programs.  

GiGi’s FREE programs are their lifeline and the reason families travel two hours on buses to get there. 

Last year alone, the Playhouse offered 19 life-changing educational and therapeutic programs for their community with more than 8,900 hours of therapy provided for people with Down syndrome – this is truly astonishing!  


Mexico does not have a culture of philanthropy, grants, or large donors, and the giving rate is only 2% of what it is in the U.S. With a scarcity of donors, the Playhouse needs our support and could significantly benefit from receiving this $50,000 matching gift.  

Please help us by giving as generously as you can. 

With your support we can serve more children and adults at our Mexico Playhouse and send a global message of acceptance for all.  
