Volunteer and Program Spotlight:  One on One Math Tutoring

Our Math Program is only possible because of our amazing volunteers and is built based on the ways in which individuals with Down syndrome learn best.  Knowing that our participants vary greatly in their abilities and challenges in comprehensive math, we combine multiple approaches that utilize multi-sensory teaching. Graduated levels of purposeful progressions lead to an increase of skills and self-confidence.

Although we give our tutors a framework to work from, they bring in their student’s interests to create meaningful and relevant lessons.  Today, we highlight the hard work of our amazing coordinator.

Why it matters:  GiGi’s Playhouse – Madison is 99% volunteer run – which means we wouldn’t be here without our volunteers.  In 2023 we had 16 tutors paired work with 23 students for a total of 33 unique tutor/student pairs over 3 sessions.

Being able to assist with the Math and Literacy Programs as a coordinator (and sometimes tutor), you get to see all the wonderful, weekly moments that each team is celebrating.

Regan-1:1 Co-coordinator and Playhouse Mom

Math Coordinator:  Regan Vanden Boogard

We have been fortunate to have a playhouse mom who knows and recognizes the value in our math and literacy tutoring programs.  Last spring, she joined Anne Ernst as Math and Literacy Co-Coordinator.  She also tutored last fall so she could learn the math program form first hand experience.  Over the months and as Anne transitioned to staff, Regan has focused on helping our Math tutors become the best they can be.  She provides technical support as well as program support by brainstorming activities and guiding our tutors through our purposeful progressions. 

Here is what Regan says about her why it matters:  “I am in awe of the amazing community that GiGi’s has created here in the Madison area and I wanted to contribute however I could to the mission and vision.  Being able to assist with the Math and Literacy Programs as a coordinator (and sometimes tutor), you get to see all the wonderful, weekly moments that each team is celebrating.  I’d have to say my favorite best of all moments are those where a tutor-participant pair have been working on a purposeful progression for a while and through their hard work are able to declare it mastered. However, there is also a lot of satisfaction to see or hear of an activity that makes learning a joy for both the tutor and the participant.  I look forward to many more best of moments in the years to come!”

Learn more about why YOU should become a tutor!

Learn more about our one on one programs!

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