It is not my birthday


Charlie is nine-years old and has been coming to the Playhouse for almost two years now. He is a regular and participates in literacy one-on-one and also has been participating in the Amina Grace speech and language program and works with an intern from the Rehabilitation Psychology Department. He comes to the Playhouse almost every week, sometimes even twice. He is the most amazing hula hoop dancer and loves to read and really wants to improve learning to write.

A week ago a received a birthday card from the Playhouse. We have a wonderful volunteer who sends out birthday to each participant. However, the date of Charlie’s birthday somehow got mixed up and he received his card 6 months late … he was excited about the mail from GiGi’s but was very concerned about our Site Managers misinformation about his birth date. So while his mother was doing something else, he wrote a letter to Julia, our Site Manager, all by himself. “It is not my birthday” … his mother called the Playhouse immediately to share Charlie’s #bestofall moment. Not only had a written this letter all by himself, he also spelled it correctly! Way to go Charlie!


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