Happy Birthday GiGi’s Playhouse Layton!!!

Two years ago today our world got a little brighter, happier, and just plain better! Through dedication, hard work, and sheer stubbornness in some cases, we opened GiGi’s Playhouse Layton. Over the past two years we have served hundreds of individuals and families thru our purposeful programs. We have raised awareness, changed expectations, and impacted so many around us. GiGi’s Playhouse Layton has become a pillar of hope, inclusion, laughter, and learning.

GiGi’s Playhouse has meant so much to so many, and we have only just begun…
“It’s meant. Expanding my expectations of my son. It’s meant learning how to request more from “the system” that by law they have access too. Personally the reminder to be generous with my heart in all situations.” -Melanie Bingham

“GiGi’s has given me the reassurance that Lincoln will have the resources he needs to help him become an independent member of society. It gives him the tools he needs to succeed in school. It gives our family the sense of community we so desperately needed. It helps the rest of our community gain a better understanding of people with Down syndrome.” -Kim Strube

“It means hope. Hope for Mason’ s future. It means community. Feeling like you belong and people understand you and the things you are going through on this crazy journey. It means a better future for Mason. Having access to information to help with the best education he can get and gaining skills that will be useful to his education and job down the road. I love that Ella had an opportunity to meet siblings like her (as we don’t plan on having any more kids). It means the world still has good in it. . People like Becky, Michelle, and Leslie, that are so involved without having a child with DS and exposing and teaching their kids acceptance and love for people that are different.” -Michelle Leschke

These past two years have been AMAZING, and we could not have done it with out all of our participants, volunteers, and donors! Here’s to all of your hard work, and all the AWESOME things to come!!




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